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lalalashen hace 3 meses

+ 116 - 18

@@ -41,11 +41,6 @@ cc.Class({
         this.info = info;
         this.game_report = JSON.parse(this.info.game_report).Value;
         console.log('info: ', info, this.game_report);
-        this.scrollMax = 1; 
-        if(this.game_report.superResult){ //是超级转
-            this.scrollMax = this.game_report.superResult.length;
-        }
         this.node.active = true;
         this.loadingNode.active = true;
         // this.root.height = this.conNode.height;
@@ -71,32 +66,122 @@ cc.Class({
         this.scrollArr = [];
         this.curScrollIndex = 0;
-        for(let i=0; i < this.scrollMax; i++){
+        this.maxScrollIndex = 0;
+        //生成普通
+        this.scrollArr[0] = [];
+        let multNormal = 0;
+        let nums = this.game_report.normalResult ? (this.game_report.normalResult.length + 1) : 1;
+        for(let i=0; i < nums; i++){
             let xx = cc.instantiate(this.scrollPrefab);
             xx.active = true;
             xx.parent = this.layoutNode;
-            xx.getComponent('CowHistoryDetailItemDev').initData(this, i);
-            this.scrollArr.push(xx);
+            let tData = {};
+            if(i==0){
+                tData.type = 0;
+                tData.itemInfo = this.game_report.itemInfo;
+                tData.lineItem = this.game_report.lineItem;
+                if(this.game_report.awardTotalTimes > 0){
+                    multNormal += 1;
+                }
+            }else{
+                tData = this.game_report.normalResult[i-1];
+                tData.type = 0;
+                if(this.game_report.normalResult[i-1].awardTotalTimes >0){
+                    multNormal += 1;
+                }
+            }
+            tData.mult = multNormal;
+            tData.index = i;
+            tData.round = nums;
+            xx.getComponent('LuckyPigHistoryDetailItemDev').initData(this, tData);
+            this.scrollArr[0].push(xx);
+            this.maxScrollIndex += 1;
+        //超级转(免费转)
+        if(this.game_report.superResult){
+            let mult = 0;
+            for(let m=0; m < this.game_report.superResult.length; m++){
+                this.scrollArr[ m+1 ] = [];
+                let nums = this.game_report.superResult[m].freeResult ? (this.game_report.superResult[m].freeResult.length + 1) : 1;
+                for(let n=0; n < nums; n++){
+                    let xx = cc.instantiate(this.scrollPrefab);
+                    xx.active = true;
+                    xx.parent = this.layoutNode;
+                    let tData2 = {};
+                    if(n==0){
+                        tData2.type = m+1;
+                        tData2.itemInfo = this.game_report.superResult[m].itemInfo;
+                        tData2.lineItem = this.game_report.superResult[m].lineItem;
+                        if(this.game_report.superResult[m].awardTotalTimes >0){
+                            mult += 1;
+                        }
+                    }else{
+                        tData2 = this.game_report.superResult[m].freeResult[n-1];
+                        tData2.type = m+1;
+                        if(this.game_report.superResult[m].freeResult[n-1].awardTotalTimes > 0){
+                            mult += 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    tData2.mult = mult;
+                    tData2.index = n;
+                    tData2.round = nums;
+                    xx.getComponent('LuckyPigHistoryDetailItemDev').initData(this, tData2);
+                    this.scrollArr[ m+1 ].push(xx);
+                    this.maxScrollIndex += 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
         this.leftNode.active = !(this.curScrollIndex <= 0);
-        this.rightNode.active = !(this.curScrollIndex >= this.scrollArr.length-1);
+        this.rightNode.active = !(this.curScrollIndex >= this.maxScrollIndex-1);
         this.labSubTitle.string = this.getTimesByTimer2(this.info.log_time);
         this.arrowNode.active = this.scrollArr.length > 1;
-        if(this.curScrollIndex == 0){
+        let tempObj = this.getTypeByCurIndex();
+        if(tempObj.type == 0){
             this.labTitle.string = 'Normal Spin';
-            this.labTitle.string = `Respin: ${this.curScrollIndex}/${this.scrollArr.length-1}`;
+            this.labTitle.string = `Free Spin: ${tempObj.type}/${this.scrollArr.length-1}`;
+    getTypeByCurIndex(){
+        let tempIndex = this.curScrollIndex;
+        for(let i=0; i < this.scrollArr.length; i++){
+            for(let j=0; j < this.scrollArr[i].length; j++){
+                if(tempIndex == 0){
+                    return {type: i, index: j, total: this.scrollArr[i].length};
+                }else{
+                    tempIndex -= 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
+    },
+    getCurIndexByType(type){
+        let tempIndex =0;
+        for(let i=0; i < this.scrollArr.length; i++){
+            if(i == type){
+                return tempIndex;
+            }
+            for(let j=0; j < this.scrollArr[i].length; j++){
+                tempIndex += 1;
+            }
+        }
+        return -1;
+    },
         if(this.curScrollIndex <= 0){
@@ -107,7 +192,7 @@ cc.Class({
-        if(this.curScrollIndex  >= this.scrollArr.length-1){
+        if(this.curScrollIndex >= this.maxScrollIndex-1){
         this.curScrollIndex += 1;
@@ -123,9 +208,9 @@ cc.Class({
-    goSelectIndex(index){
-        console.log('index: ', index);
-        if(index < 0 || (index  > this.scrollArr.length-1)){
+    goSelectType(type){
+        let index = this.getCurIndexByType(type);
+        if(index == -1){
@@ -137,13 +222,23 @@ cc.Class({
+    goSelectIndex(index){
+        console.log('index: ', index);
+        if(index < 0 || (index  > this.scrollArr.length-1)){
+            console.error('幸运猪历史记录按钮异常');
+            return;
+        }
+        this.curScrollIndex = index;
+    },
     //点击标题 (超级转可点)
         if(!this.arrowNode.active) return;
         this.detailArrow.y = 1400;
         this.detailArrow.active = true;
-        this.detailArrow.getComponent('CowHistoryDetailArrowDev').initData(this);
+        this.detailArrow.getComponent('SlotHistoryDetailArrowDev').initData(this);
         cc.tween(this.detailArrow).set({ opacity: 255 })
             .to(0.25, { y: 0 }, { easing: 'quintOut' })
             .call(() => {
@@ -158,9 +253,12 @@ cc.Class({
                 .to(0.25, { x: this.node.width }, { easing: 'quintOut' })
                 .call(() => {
                     this.node.active = false;
-                    for(let i =0; i < this.scrollArr.length; i++){
-                        this.scrollArr[i].destroy();
+                    for(let i=0; i< this.scrollArr.length; i++){
+                        for(let j=0; j < this.scrollArr[i].length; j++){
+                            this.scrollArr[i][j].destroy();
+                        }
                     this.scrollArr = [];
                     this.layoutNode.setPosition(cc.v2(0, this.layoutNode.position.y));

+ 135 - 132

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ cc.Class({
     extends: cc.Component,
     properties: {
+        itemSp: [cc.SpriteFrame],
         labRound: cc.Label,
         lineNode: cc.Node,
         labBetSize: cc.Label,
@@ -21,15 +22,29 @@ cc.Class({
-    // onLoad () {},
+    onLoad () {
+        this.valueCfg = [
+            {id: 1, name:'钻石', val:{3:20, 4:30, 5:40, 6:50} },
+            {id: 2, name:'美元', val:{3:10, 4:15, 5:20, 6:30} },
+            {id: 3, name:'金币', val:{3:8, 4:10, 5:15, 6:20} },
+            {id: 4, name:'铃铛', val:{3:5, 4:8, 5:10, 6:15} },
+            {id: 5, name:'柠檬', val:{3:3, 4:5, 5:8, 6:10} },
+            {id: 6, name:'樱桃', val:{3:2, 4:3, 5:5, 6:8} },
+            {id: 7, name:'树叶', val:{3:2, 4:3, 5:5, 6:8} },
+            {id: 8, name:'A',    val:{3:1, 4:2, 5:3, 6:5} },
+            {id: 9, name:'K',    val:{3:1, 4:2, 5:3, 6:5} },
+            {id: 10, name:'Q',   val:{3:1, 4:2, 5:3, 6:5} },
+            {id: 11, name:'J',   val:{3:1, 4:2, 5:3, 6:5} }
+        ];
+    },
     start () {
-    initData(detailJs, index){
+    initData(detailJs, data){
         this.detailJs = detailJs;
-        this.index = index;
+        this.data = data;
         this.info = this.detailJs.info;
         this.game_report = this.detailJs.game_report;
@@ -39,69 +54,37 @@ cc.Class({
         this.report_init[0] /= 100;
         this.labBetSize.string = `Bet Size ${(this.report_init[0]).toFixed(2)}`;
         this.labBetLevel.string = `Bet Level ${this.report_init[1]}`;
+        this.labRound.node.active = this.data.round != 1;
+        this.lineNode.active = this.data.round != 1;
+        this.labRound.string = `Round ${this.data.index + 1}/${this.data.round}`;
-    // update (dt) {},p
+    // update (dt) {},
-    setIcon(){
-        //普通赋值
-        let itemInfo = this.game_report.itemInfo; //itemInfo 界面展示的元素
-        let showItemInfo = []; //中奖的元素
-        for(let i=0; i < this.game_report.lineItem.length; i++){
-            for(let j=0; j < this.game_report.lineItem[i].okPath.length; j++){
-                showItemInfo.push(this.game_report.lineItem[i].okPath[j]);
-            }
-        }
-        //超级转赋值
-        if(this.game_report.superResult){ //是超级转
-            itemInfo = this.game_report.superResult[this.index].itemInfo;
-            if(this.index == 0){ //超级转展示界面, 空元素随机赋值.
-                let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
-                let selectItem = 1;
-                for(let i=0; i < itemInfo.length; i++){
-                    if(itemInfo[i] != 0){
-                        selectItem = itemInfo[i];
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                arr = this.removeElement(arr, selectItem);
-                for(let i=0; i < itemInfo.length; i++){
-                    if(itemInfo[i] == 0){
-                        itemInfo[i] = this.getRandomValue(arr);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            showItemInfo = [];
-            let tLineItem = this.game_report.superResult[this.index].lineItem;
-            for(let i=0; i < tLineItem.length; i++){
-                for(let j=0; j < tLineItem[i].okPath.length; j++){
-                    showItemInfo.push(tLineItem[i].okPath[j]);
+    setIcon(){
+        let itemInfo = this.data.itemInfo;
+        let showItemInfo = [];
+        if(this.data.lineItem){
+            for(let i=0; i < this.data.lineItem.length; i++){
+                for(let j=0; j< this.data.lineItem[i].okPath.length; j++){
+                    showItemInfo.push( this.data.lineItem[i].okPath[j] );
-            //数组去重
-            showItemInfo = Array.from(new Set(showItemInfo));
+        //数组去重
+        showItemInfo = Array.from(new Set(showItemInfo));
-        for(let i =0; i < this.iconCon.childrenCount; i++){
-            for(let j=0; j < this.iconCon.children[i].childrenCount; j++){
-                this.iconCon.children[i].children[j].active = false;
-            }
-        }
-        for(let i=0; i< this.iconCon.childrenCount; i++){
-            for(let j=0; j < this.iconCon.children[i].childrenCount; j++){
-                if(itemInfo[i] == 0) continue;
-                this.iconCon.children[i].children[itemInfo[i]-1].active = true;
-            }
-            // tNode.getChildByName('select').active = showItemInfo.indexOf(i) != -1;
+        for(let i=2; i < itemInfo.length; i++){
+            this.iconCon.children[i].getChildByName('sp').getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = this.itemSp[itemInfo[i]-1];
+            this.iconCon.children[i].getChildByName('select').active = showItemInfo.indexOf(i) != -1;
@@ -110,60 +93,78 @@ cc.Class({
     removeElement(arr, element){
-        return arr.filter( (item)=> {
+        return arr.filter( (item)=> {
             return item != element;
+    countOccurrences(arr, val) {
+        return arr.filter(item => item === val).length;
+    },
+    getIdColWays(id, lineItem){
+        //把百搭转换成id
+        let copyLineItem = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(lineItem));
+        for(let i=0; i< copyLineItem.length; i++){
+            if(copyLineItem[i] == 12 || copyLineItem[i] == 13){
+                copyLineItem[i] = id;
+            }
+        }
+        let tempArr = [ [0,6,12,18], [1,7,13,19], [2,8,14,20], [3,9,15,21], [4,10,16,22], [5,11,17,23] ];
+        let col = 0;
+        let ways = 1;
+        for(let i=0; i< tempArr.length; i++){
+            for(let j=0; j < tempArr[i].length; j++){
+                tempArr[i][j] = copyLineItem[ tempArr[i][j] ];
+            }
+        }
+        for(let i=0; i < tempArr.length; i++){
+            if(tempArr[i].indexOf(id) != -1){
+                col += 1;
+            }else{
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        for(let i=0; i< col; i++){
+            let nums = this.countOccurrences(tempArr[i], id);
+            ways *= nums;
+        }
+        return {col: col, ways: ways};
+    },
         let showData = [];
-        if(!this.game_report.superResult){ //普通
-            if(this.game_report.lineItem.length == 0){ //未中奖
-                showData.push({s1:true, labS1:'No Winning Combination'});
-            }else{ //中奖
-                if(this.game_report.lineItem.length == 10){ //全中展示
-                    showData.push({s1:true, labS1:'Win Multiplier x10                     '});
-                }
-                //排序
-                this.game_report.lineItem.sort((a, b)=>{
-                    return a.lineIndex - b.lineIndex;
-                });
-                for(let i=0; i < this.game_report.lineItem.length; i++){
-                    showData.push({
-                        s1:false, labS1:'',
-                        s2Data: this.game_report.lineItem[i]
-                    });
-                }
+        if(this.data.type == 0 && this.data.index +1 == this.data.round){
+            let scatterCount = this.countOccurrences(this.data.itemInfo, 13);
+            if(scatterCount >= 4){ //超过4个,中了超级转
+                showData.push({showS: 'status1', nums:scatterCount,  
+                des:`${this.detailJs.game_report.superResult.length} Free Spins`});
-        }else{ //是超级转
-            if(this.index == this.game_report.superResult.length-1){//最后一个展示中奖信息
-                let xLineItem = this.game_report.superResult[this.index].lineItem;
-                if(xLineItem.length == 10){ //貌似是大奖倍数展示
-                    showData.push({s1:true, labS1:'Win Multiplier x10                     '});
-                }
-                //排序
-                xLineItem.sort((a, b)=>{
-                    return a.lineIndex - b.lineIndex;
-                });
-                for(let i=0; i < xLineItem.length; i++){
-                    showData.push({
-                        s1:false, labS1:'',
-                        s2Data: xLineItem[i]
-                    });
-                }
-            }else{
-                showData.push({s1:true, labS1:'Fortune Cow Feature            Respin'});
+        }
+        let mult = this.data.mult;
+        if(!this.data.lineItem){
+            mult += 1;
+        }
+        showData.push({showS: 'status2', des: `Win Multiplier x${mult}`}); //当前倍数
+        if(!this.data.lineItem){ //未中奖
+            showData.push({showS: 'status3', des: `No Winning Combination`});
+        }
+        if(this.data.lineItem){ //中奖
+            for(let i=0; i < this.data.lineItem.length; i++){
+                let obj = {};
+                let temp = this.getIdColWays(this.data.lineItem[i].cardValue, this.data.itemInfo);
+                obj.showS = 'status4';
+                obj.itemId = this.data.lineItem[i].cardValue;
+                obj.awTimes = this.data.lineItem[i].awTimes * this.data.mult;
+                obj.ways = temp.ways;
+                obj.col = temp.col;
+                obj.val = this.valueCfg[this.data.lineItem[i].cardValue -1].val[temp.col];
+                showData.push(obj);
-        // this.diLayoutNode.removeAllChildren();
-        this.tipsArr = []; //存放tips
         for(let i=0; i < showData.length; i++){
             let xx = cc.instantiate(this.diItemPrefab);
             xx.active = true;
@@ -173,41 +174,45 @@ cc.Class({
             this.diLayoutNode.height = 210 + 130 * i;
             let s1 = xx.getChildByName('status1');
-            s1.getChildByName('des').getComponent(cc.Label).string = showData[i].labS1;
-            s1.active = showData[i].s1;
+            s1.active = false;
             let s2 = xx.getChildByName('status2');
-            s2.active = !showData[i].s1;
-            if(s1.active){
-                continue;
+            s2.active = false;
+            let s3 = xx.getChildByName('status3');
+            s3.active = false;
+            let s4 = xx.getChildByName('status4');
+            s4.active = false;
+            if(showData[i].showS == 'status1'){
+                s1.active = true;
+                s1.getChildByName('num').getComponent(cc.Label).string = `x${showData[i].nums}`;
+                s1.getChildByName('score').getComponent(cc.Label).string = showData[i].des;
+            }
+            if(showData[i].showS == 'status2'){
+                s2.active = true;
+                s2.getChildByName('des').getComponent(cc.Label).string = showData[i].des;
+            }
+            if(showData[i].showS == 'status3'){
+                s3.getChildByName('des').getComponent(cc.Label).string = showData[i].des;
+            }
+            if(showData[i].showS == 'status4'){
+                s4.active = true;
+                s4.getChildByName('icon').getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = this.itemSp[showData[i].itemId-1];
+                s4.getChildByName('kind').getComponent(cc.Label).string = 
+                    showData[i].col + ' of a kind';
+                s4.getChildByName('way').getComponent(cc.Label).string =
+                    showData[i].ways + ' way(s)';
+                s4.getChildByName('score').getComponent(cc.Label).string = (showData[i].awTimes/100).toFixed(2);
+                s4.getChildByName('score2').getComponent(cc.Label).string = 
+                    (showData[i].awTimes/this.data.mult/100).toFixed(2) + ' x' + this.data.mult;
+                UIHelper.addButtonListener(s4, this.node, 'LuckyPigHistoryDetailItemDev', 'onClickS4', showData[i]);
+                let tipMask = cc.find('tips/mask', s4);
+                UIHelper.addButtonListener(tipMask, this.node, 'LuckyPigHistoryDetailItemDev', 'onClickS4', {bClose:true});
-            // let numCi =showData[0].s1 ? i : (i+1); //序号从1开始
-            let numCi = showData[i].s2Data.lineIndex;
-            let score = this.report_init[0] * this.report_init[1] * showData[i].s2Data.awTimes;
-            s2.getChildByName('ci').getComponent(cc.Label).string = ('0' + numCi).slice(-2);
-            s2.getChildByName('score').getComponent(cc.Label).string = (score).toFixed(2);
-            this.setDiIcon(s2, showData[i].s2Data.okPath);
-            let data = {bei:showData[i].s2Data.awTimes, 'id': numCi-1}; //idcon
-            UIHelper.addButtonListener(s2, this.node, "CowHistoryDetailItemDev", "onClickS2", data);
-            let tipMask = cc.find('tips/mask', s2);
-            UIHelper.addButtonListener(tipMask, this.node, "CowHistoryDetailItemDev", "onClickS2", {bClose:true});
-        }
-    },
-    setDiIcon(tNode, path){
-        let con = cc.find('kuang/layout', tNode);
-        for(let i=0 ; i < con.childrenCount; i++){
-            con.children[i].getChildByName('sp').active = path.indexOf(i) != -1;
-            // con.children[i].active = path.indexOf(i) != -1;
-    onClickS2(event, info){
+    onClickS4(event, info){
             event.target.parent.active = false;
@@ -216,12 +221,10 @@ cc.Class({
         let temp = event.target.getChildByName('tips');
         temp.active = true;
         let lab1 = temp.getChildByName('lab1').getComponent(cc.Label);
-        lab1.string = 'Bet Size x Bet Level x Symbol Payout Values';
+        lab1.string = 'Bet Size x Bet Level x Symbol Payout Values x Way(s) x Multiplier';
         let lab2 = temp.getChildByName('lab2').getComponent(cc.Label);
-        lab2.string = this.report_init[0] + ' x ' + this.report_init[1] + ' x ' + info.bei;
-    }
+        lab2.string = this.report_init[0]+' x '+this.report_init[1]+' x '+info.val+' x '+info.ways+' x '+ this.data.mult;
+    },

+ 3 - 1

@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ cc.Class({
         this.colorBright = new cc.Color(255, 194, 30); //亮
         let curKind = cc.vv.serverListData.getCurRoomData().KindID;
         if(curKind == 3104){
-            this.colorBright = new cc.Color(221, 92, 42); //亮
+            this.colorBright = new cc.Color(221, 92, 42);
+        }else if (curKind == 3109){
+            this.colorBright = new cc.Color(33, 187, 206);
         this.months = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12];

+ 10 - 7

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ cc.Class({
         this.labTitle.string = this.detailJs.labTitle.string;
         this.labSubTitle.string = this.detailJs.labSubTitle.string;
-        for(let i=0; i < this.detailJs.scrollMax; i++){
+        for(let i=0; i < this.detailJs.scrollArr.length; i++){
             let tNode = cc.instantiate(this.itemPrefab);
             tNode.active = true;
@@ -44,15 +44,14 @@ cc.Class({
                 labDes.string = 'Normal Spin';
                 labDesSelect.string = labDes.string;
-                labDes.string = `Respin: ${i}/${this.detailJs.scrollArr.length-1}`;
+                labDes.string = `Free Spin: ${i}/${this.detailJs.scrollArr.length-1}`;
                 labDesSelect.string = labDes.string;
             labScore.string = '';
             labScoreSelect.string = '';
-            tNode.getChildByName('labDes').active = this.detailJs.curScrollIndex != i;
-            tNode.getChildByName('labDesSelect').active = this.detailJs.curScrollIndex == i;
-            tNode.getChildByName('labScoreSelect').active = this.detailJs.curScrollIndex == i;
+            tNode.getChildByName('labDes').active = this.detailJs.getTypeByCurIndex().type != i;
+            tNode.getChildByName('labDesSelect').active = this.detailJs.getTypeByCurIndex().type == i;
+            // tNode.getChildByName('labScoreSelect').active = this.detailJs.curScrollIndex == i;
             UIHelper.addButtonListener(tNode, this.node, "SlotHistoryDetailArrowDev", "onClick", {index: i});
@@ -60,7 +59,11 @@ cc.Class({
     onClick(event, info){
-        this.detailJs.goSelectIndex(info.index);
+        if(cc.vv.serverListData.getCurRoomData().KindID == 3109){
+            this.detailJs.goSelectType(info.index);
+        }else{
+            this.detailJs.goSelectIndex(info.index);
+        }
         cc.tween(this.node).set({ opacity: 255 })
             .to(0.2, { y: 1400 }, { easing: '' })
             .call(() => {

+ 2 - 0

@@ -221,6 +221,8 @@ cc.Class({
         let tName = 'SlotHistoryDetailDev';
         if(cc.vv.serverListData.getCurRoomData().KindID == 3104){
             tName = 'GaneshaHistoryDetailDev';
+        }else if(cc.vv.serverListData.getCurRoomData().KindID == 3109){
+            tName = 'LuckyPigHistoryDetailDev';
         this.detailNode.getComponent(tName).onShow(this, this.recordData[idx]);

+ 4 - 0

@@ -30,11 +30,15 @@ cc.Class({
         this.lab4.string = ( (info.game_value - info.b_value)/100 ).toFixed(2);
         this.circleNode.active = this.game_report.Value.freeResult != null;
+        if(cc.vv.serverListData.getCurRoomData().KindID == 3109){
+            this.circleNode.active = this.game_report.Value.superResult != null;
+        }
         this.bgNode.color = this.node._listId %2 == 0 ? (new cc.Color()).fromHEX('#34343F') : (new cc.Color()).fromHEX('#30303C');
         if(cc.vv.serverListData.getCurRoomData().KindID == 3104) return;
+        if(cc.vv.serverListData.getCurRoomData().KindID == 3109) return;
         let showItems = [];
         for(let i=0; i < this.game_report.Value.lineItem.length; i++){
             for(let j=0; j < this.game_report.Value.lineItem[i].okPath.length; j++){

+ 2 - 2

@@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ export default class LPigBottom extends cc.Component {
     onBtnWin() {
-        this.theme.toastView.showHistroyToast()
-        // this.theme.popHistroyiew()
+        // this.theme.toastView.showHistroyToast()
+        this.theme.popHistroyiew()
     onBtnPaytable() {
         let node = cc.instantiate(this.paytableFab);

+ 6 - 3

@@ -371,8 +371,11 @@ export default class LPigGameFrameView extends cc.Component {
     histroyViewFab: cc.Prefab = null
     popHistroyiew() {
-        let node = cc.instantiate(this.histroyViewFab)
-        this.addNode(node)
-        return node.getComponent(LPigHistory)
+        let node = cc.instantiate(this.histroyViewFab) as cc.Node;
+        node.parent = this.node;
+        node.getComponent('SlotHistoryDev').onShow();
+        // this.addNode(node)
+        // return node.getComponent(LPigHistory)

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 115 - 115

+ 1 - 1

@@ -37226,7 +37226,7 @@
       "__uuid__": "d788d40e-c263-434b-ab22-9e86bd6fa297"
     "histroyViewFab": {
-      "__uuid__": "4f6f2603-177d-449b-8a33-62f1f22c6f05"
+      "__uuid__": "c3182881-e54f-4693-a16c-9fa21f534acf"
     "_id": ""

Algunos archivos no se mostraron porque demasiados archivos cambiaron en este cambio