FindOgg.cmake 767 B

  1. # - Find ogg
  2. # Find the native ogg includes and libraries
  3. #
  4. # OGG_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find ogg.h, etc.
  5. # OGG_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using ogg.
  6. # OGG_FOUND - True if ogg found.
  7. find_path(OGG_INCLUDE_DIR ogg/ogg.h)
  8. # MSVC built ogg may be named ogg_static.
  9. # The provided project files name the library with the lib prefix.
  10. find_library(OGG_LIBRARY NAMES ogg ogg_static libogg libogg_static)
  11. # Handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set OGG_FOUND
  12. # to TRUE if all listed variables are TRUE.
  13. include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs)
  14. find_package_handle_standard_args(OGG DEFAULT_MSG OGG_INCLUDE_DIR OGG_LIBRARY)
  17. mark_as_advanced(OGG_INCLUDE_DIR OGG_LIBRARY)