module.exports = { 'name': 'References Finder', 'find': 'Find Current Selected', 'find-panel': 'Find Panel', 'settings': 'Settings', 'check-update': 'Check Update', // update 'current-latest': 'Currently the latest version!', 'has-new-version': 'New version found!', 'local-version': 'Local version: ', 'latest-version': 'Latest version: ', 'git-releases': 'Releases:', 'cocos-store': 'Cocos Store:', // main 'please-select-assets': 'Please select asset(s) in Asset Panel first', 'invalid-uuid': 'Invalid uuid', 'not-support-folder': 'Does not support folder', 'find-asset-refs': 'Find references', 'no-refs': 'No references found', 'scene': 'Scene', 'prefab': 'Prefab', 'animation': 'Animation', 'material': 'Material', 'font': 'Font', 'node': 'Node', 'component': 'Component', 'property': 'Property', 'result': 'Reference result', 'node-refs': 'Node References', 'asset-refs': 'Asset References', 'asset-info': 'Asset Info', 'asset-type': 'Type: ', 'asset-uuid': 'Uuid: ', 'asset-url': 'Url: ', 'asset-path': 'Path: ', // settings 'none': 'None', 'select-key': 'Hotkey', 'select-key-tooltip': 'Chose a hotkey to open the search bar quickly', 'custom-key': 'Custom', 'custom-key-placeholder': 'Choose a hotkey above or customize one by yourself', 'custom-key-tooltip': 'You can also customize your own hotkey', 'auto-check-update': 'Auto Check Update', 'auto-check-update-tooltip': 'Check if there is a new version when the extension is loaded', 'reference': '· Hotkey customization reference: ', 'accelerator': 'Keyboard Shortcuts', 'repository': '· Git repository of this extension: ', 'apply': 'Apply', 'quote-error': 'Do not use double quotes!', 'custom-key-error': 'Please specify a hotkey!', 'print-details': 'Show Details', 'print-details-tooltip': 'Show more details(node, component, property)', 'print-folding': 'Fold Result', 'print-folding-tooltip': 'Fold result in one log', };